Friday: 3 Cerita 1 Ruang
Went to a gig is one of the way for me to re-energized myself. I've been so struggle these few days at office. Been one of my hard days, if I am selfishly saying. I told to my friend that I need to watched one of really good gig/music event, and sing along in between stranger. One of the gig that I've been waiting for was MLDSpot Intimate Tour; 3 Cerita 1 Ruang. The artist are Kunto Aji, Eva Celia, and Jordy Waelauruw. I was so excited because I looked forward for another gig of Eva Celia since the first time I watched her perform on UrbanGig in Semarang, several months ago. As I didn't know that this concert is limited, and the pre-sale ticket need to buy online (and already sold out), so the only chance I got was to buy normal ticket price which is little bit pricey to me, seriously. I mean I know this one is intimate-gig-concept and the guest were limited, but no matter how I craved I was to see Eva's live perform; I would think twice to attend this event. Well.. priority :p
But then I saw one of my friend's post on Path told that TraxFM Semarang was about to give 4 free tickets to this event. No need to hesitate, I just directly tried my luck! The question was so random hahaha then I replied with normal answer instead and it was an honest thought; that I had to bring my Tumblr on that gig because I used to felt thirsty after sang along. And that's it, that's all.
In the next morning I had to go to office while it should be a day off of Vesak Day. Office regulation state that the day off has switched so we will had long weekend start from Friday. I was on purpose to listen on Trax that morning, hopefully it was my luck to be chosen as one those 4 lucky winner. Almost 9 am but there's no clue that I would be called. Then I decided to turn off my streaming because I'd like to had a call meeting with my Manager. The online streaming was suck, anyway. Right after call meeting with Manager, I checked on my Instagram and TADAAAAAA!! I got it! People from Trax FM DMed me! Hahahaha Alhamdulillah x)
Long story short, I attend the event. I started my morning by dropped by to a coffee shop (didn't order coffee by the way since it make me sick haha), swimming, dropped at office, then off I go. I was literally alone until I met Mas Fajar from Trax FM and met new friend inside the venue, it was Mbak Kristin who also came alone. The event only provide around 100+ seats that are freely chosen. There're several seat reserved actually but you can pick yours wherever you'd like to sit. Lucky me I got high chair at the back so I can see clearly the perform, unhindered from another guests (you know I am a tiny girl)
It was such a gooooood night. I really felt the 'intimate' as there are not plenty of people, not like big stage gig I used to watched. The event itself was held in Semarang Art Gallery, which is one favorite place in Semarang. So happy that my favorite track was played; Buka Buka Buka, Mercusuar, Pengingat, A Stranger Kind of Longing, Another You, Mother Wound, Romans 12:2 (favorite!!!), and Reason. To be honest, this is my first time listened and met Jordy Waelauruw. From my reserach, he once worked with Bayu Risa! Well I love Bayu Risa. I didn't expect to interested to his song but I am! It was such a different style *brb go to Spotify x)
Well, it was one of my highlight on May this year, I count it as a blessing. Can't say thank you enough for TraxFM. I never thought I am so lucky. I am happy because it is the perfect timing for me, really :) God bless you, Trax FM Semarang! Looking forward to next gig, shall we?
Friday I am in love xx
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