The Graduation

All I can say is Alhamdulillah. The another is Thank You. April 25th 2015 was a big day for me. It was my graduation day. Many thanks to Allah SWT Almighty, to always strengthen me till the day I took the oath as an educated person. Allah would never ease my way without many pray and wishing from people around me, and I would never tough without strong person beside me. Here exclusively I write a post to say thank you for each person who helped me (us) directly or indirectly.

- My (our) parents -- Alm. Abah and Ibu -- Bapak and Ibu (Zulfa's) 
Thank you for your everlasting pray, blessing, and trust. Our whole world owe you. 

- Family 
For family, sisters and brothers, faraway siblings who always pray for me (us) and everlasting support.

- Bapak Thomas Agung 
For always supporting and convincing us from the very first time we tried till the end. To reassure that we could do that, to trust us. 

- Bapak Sarono and Bapak Helmy 
Our adviser, thank you for your time, your knowledge, your courage, your solution. 

- Lectures
To always calm us down and said that everything will ran perfectly, to always remind us to keep trying and pray. 

- Friends! 
Zulfa! My partner! If you read this someday, I just want you to know that you are more than my partner all these time. You are my mentor since high school who patiently taught me some subject I didn't understand, encourage me, support my decisions. My sister who gave me advise, and more than everything. Even though, sometimes we disagree and be at cross purpose, but still we could find the way to say yes and moved forward. You are part of my current successfulness, and I owe you everything. 

Lucy, Tia, Cita, Meta who always support me with their own way. Thaaaaaanks a lot to my dear Lucy who taught me how to arrange database for the first time since I was blind about that. Thank to you and Meta for spending your time and attended to my graduation party. 

Mas Fadly and Danang! My Informatika lads! I owe you guys! Every encourage from Mas Fadly was strengthen me, every theory from Danang could open my mind to try and try again. 

Dimas; neighbor man! Thanks for the short course about CSS. I owe you hahaha

Sidiq : High school friend. Man, thank you for help, your last minute solution H-1 before final project defense. That was hot hot pop! You should know that we solved the problem via whatsapp! Semarang Bandung only for resolving the wrong PHP syntax LOL. Thaaaank you, Man! 

Mega Elinda and Ucup; you guys are I don't know. You helped us a lot with your intelligence hahahahaha but yes you indeed helped us a lot with yout PHP language on your brain. 

PT INTI Bandung and all the hospitality! The people, the opportunity. Pak Rachmat, Pak Parmono, and Mas Esa. You guys are stranger that came into our life and became a part of our successfulness, Thank you. And of course Bandung! The city I didn't frequently visited before. Thanks for the whole story, thanks for not being so rude to us. Can't wait to meet you very soon, someday. InsyaAllah. 

TKC ; Thank you for being you, thank you for every support. You are the part of my college memories. 

PECC mates : One word "LOVABLE!" Thank you for the flowers and your attendance. 

And all of those guys who I couldn't mention one by one, name by name, whoever who helped me (us) - God notice that, barakallah! :) 

Some of you may think that this post is quite tacky, but I need to write this, separately from my another social network such as Path or Instagram to say thank you. Their help are my weapon, and all I can give is this post. I hope you know that their help are always meaningful. I am such a lucky because I always surrounded by encourage people. Support, pray, wish, help, and every little thing always strengthen. 

Wish me luck for another year! 


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