
Hello, March! Welcome 21 years and 7 days of my life hehehehe kinda weird to know that I am turned into 21 years now (I thought I'm 19. Hm well) due to sometime, people called me 'dek' which was indicate that I am still looked like teenager :p. To be honest, on my 21st year of my life there are so many things I've learn. Mostly, that I have to learn to accept the reality in everything, whether it's good or bad. Learn to always always always always be grateful of everything. Anyway, I need to update some of my happy-sad feeling due to I haven't write something on Lost in Europe for last 2 months.

Sad : 
1. My internship program has postponed until an unspecified time. I don't know exactly the reason behind this retardment. It sucks! Kinda annoyed if people ask me about the progress of this program. No more say, I don't know.
2. That's all of my sadness. It burdens me a lot, you should know.

Happy :
1. Last term's GPA makes me smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wider and wideeeerr! It's increase! Soooo happy!
2. I am an Aunt of sweet little girl called Hafizza! Hafizza is my sister's daughter which was born on February, 13rd 2014. She is sooooo lovely! I miss her already!
3. Celebrating my 21st birthday by chance with my campus classmates. Surprised my girls Tia, Lucy, Zulfa and Cita (from sweetest birthday wish) as well. A simple family outing and gift completing my birthday. This brought tears to my eyes but they didn't know. Say no more, I am so happy that I am surrounded my those looovely people :')
4. Run my Final Project with lovely fellas, Zulfa! Wish us luck, as I said End-Year-Spirit!

Look at to my list. How can I not be grateful for all of this? Alhamdulillah YaAllah :') Thank you
Ah, one thing missed...... I really miss my Abah.

*no picture file attached. I hurt my tumb hiks



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