48 Hours of Happiness
I face this space instead of my workspace on word document. I've just finished all of my assignment! HAHAHA finally x) well, alright just ignore it because here I wouldn't talk about school things. My last weekend spent when I went to Jogjakarta to visited my sister's new house. I feel so happy that she finally rent a house in a suburban of Jogjakarta (so it is not too crowd and still reachable to go to the town). The neighbor is also very warm, they were smile at me when I accompanied my sister visited them. I always like the ambiance of this tiny beautiful city :) we arrived there about 8.15 p.m and spent the whole night at Kongkalikong's Caffee and Dine for diner.
One thing that make my Jogja's Trip is different from the usual is; I intend to watch an exhibition from my favorite illustrator Lala Bohang. She held "Gendis" visual exhibition since September, 7th 2013 at Lir Shop near the downtown. First time I arrived at that place was about 9.20 p.m and find out that the place is already closed. Well, closed. I was afraid I couldn't come back again next day because you know my family come along and I didn't know that they like my destination to watch this exhibition. Out of expectation! my whole family asked me to back again to Lir at noon! they came along and like the exhibition so much.
"Kaki sayang untuk pergi-pergi. Malah kutanam dalam-dalam"
My whole family are actually likes art. Almost all of my family member could draw and make something that related to art and hand-making. Mom, since few years ago accept every order to make an ornament from beads, my old sister...ah no one doubting her skill in drawing. I like the way she draw something. My brother, he like drawing his favorite cartoon character (not as often as when he was on school), my dad is also good in handwriting and drawing :) and I.....trapped in science instead of canvas and paint colors........ Well, there are a BUNCH of photos (I know) I had trouble when choosing the photos I'd like to share here hehehehe I couldn't stop watching Kak Lala Bohang's artwork when I explored each of them. I observed every detail of her artwork, and I feel the main character of "Gendis" is every canvas space.
My most favorite caption;
"Pelangiku dan pelangimu berbeda rasa selalu begitu"
Beside of Kak Lala Bohang's artworks, the place was veeeery interesting! I swear I loooove that place! I haven't meet the place like Lir, here in my town. I like old house and its all-white decoration. The stuffs and the books! So many windows which give the space for wind blows. Lir's keeper is also friendly :) She welcomed me and greet me with some tiny conversation. Lir is actually a place which not only served a good food but also a space for art exhibition and piles of books which freely to read. They also sells an adorable things, even some of them from the artist who had held an exhibition at Lir. I myself brought pieces of cutest gift tag only for 10.000 rupiahs
"hmm ibu ngantuk, tempatnya enak"
We had no chance to try some food there but I guarantee the food must be awesome (I've checked the book of menues :p) I'm gonna come back there if it possible when someday I visited my sister. Unfortunately, I couldn't met Kak Lala. She was already back to Jakarta and she was there only at the opening and closing (maybe) but at least, I can see Kak Lala through "Gendis" :)
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