Chasing Saturday
Just enjoyed my Saturday night, on my chamber. Watched Iron Man 2 (Oh, yes I know I'm so late to watch that movie! Well, I'm ready for Iron Man 3! Yeah!) Been so hard this week, but Alhamdulillah I could pass the mid term test for Algorithm class hehe. The next project may be harder... well... bismillah! :)
Pocky Chocolate Stick | Cool Berry (my favorite UHT strawberry milk) | Mango juice from mom | Risoles
Saturday might be the greatest day ever since I've been on college. Time to rest, time to more-sleep, time to be the most laziest girl, time to having a relationship with TV, movies, sleep late, cook, ect. As we know, I almost had a spare time to blogging on the weekend. It turned into my weekly post, not daily post anymore. FUFU!
The great information, today (I mean, 7 minutes ago *well, it's already Sunday at 12.07 a.m*) is the National Blogger Day! Yeay! I think, it's such as birthday of all blog/blogger in Indonesia (my own definition). I started to write in this blog since 3 years ago and I'm so glad I still have an interest to keep writing. I know, I'm not that good moreover I write in English language which is not that excellent. But I keep using this way, and hope that I could increasing my language skill. Better try than never try at all, right? ;) Happy National Blogger Day, blogger fellas! happy birthday, Lost In Europe! Keep 'lost'! Muahhh.. :p
Ah! Goodnight, good people! It's already Sunday.......... blah! xD
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