Creamy Friday

Ohhhh halloooo weekend!!!! feels so good?? I'm so happy this Friday! I closed this week with pleasure things I've done, particulary on my office :D I'm getting closer with the seniors mbak Asih, mbak Erly and mbak Esti :)) hihi this all happened because I went overtime with them moreover today, when we watched "Dream High" on TV mbak Asih came from Paragon and bought us mini ice cream! one person got one small box!! thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so muuuchhhhhh <333 she said, that was the result of our hard work during work on network project, recently! :) hihi Alhamdulillah 

Spent the night with drawing by using shells as media hihi just for fun! its long enough I never draw something manually .. most by PC and using mouse :p by the way drawing with shells as a media is inspired by kak Abe who draw by using the bottle as media.. you know?  Bottle Me Up
ps : I draw using Drawing Pen 0.1 and 0.7 


by the way, these are some activities that I plan to do tomorrow :p 


good night my adorable readers! 


  1. Wow, you're so inspirational. I love your shell art! hehe, watching tv until late is always fun. keep smiling!

    xx kartika


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