ooohhh Alhamdulillah, finally my computer gets better now :D kemaren ini dia sakiiiiit, dalemnya berdebu jadi performanya menurun, trus macet (baca:ngambek). it told me that I have to keep clean my PC :) he deserve to look great everytime, right? okeeey, back to my thoughts that want to share here! a lot of thought :D
1. AKSES school magazine for 2nd edition is already published, I found my diary when I was on elementary and the content is very embarrassing hahahaha, I bought a translate novel with high literatures *sigh and I

and I haven't finished it yet :(

1. AKSES school magazine for 2nd edition is already published, I found my diary when I was on elementary and the content is very embarrassing hahahaha, I bought a translate novel with high literatures *sigh and I

2. I decorated my roooooom :D yeah ! aku bosen sama tatanan kamarku yang 'mati'. meja belajarnya kotor, jadi kesannya kamarku berantakan, banyak stiker dari bekas abangku hehe tapi lihat dong sekaraaaang, taraaaaaaaaaaa ..

3. I've just finished my 1st tryout for final examination
4. I've just got new phone after my Motorola V31 can't be used anymore because of flexible cable is broke. it's second stuff and I think, I dont need the new one, I just need the stuff for communication with around when I'm at outside. it's from my big brother Sowam Habibi :) thaaaaaaaankyou so much for your kindness :*
PS: have a great Sunday :)
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