Things That I Got

hello there? how's life? is everything ok ? :) well, tomorrow is a big day for us. a holiday is end hiks.
males banget sih hahahaha *anaksekolahbanget hahaha anyway I dont want to talk too much here, capek udah malem :p I just want to share some pict story while Im on holiday. with Lucy, and my family at Solo :) enjoy guys..

we ordered Spicy Sausage by Villa's Crepes at Solo Grand Mall. guess what? that was so spicy !! really :O

they called it "Wedang Asle" it look delicious right? yes it is :) verrrrrry sweeeeeeet and delicious

me, Lucy, and Mb Ufi :)

quietly, we took our own picture without mbak Ufi or my brother :p

cuttie catty :* this is my lilttle sister's cat. her name is Popi.. or oh whatever :p

we went to Jogja and look! I was very tired. sleep over is nice :)

by train to Jogja, and take a walk to everywhere. so, this is the result !! :) *itlookterrible :(

Lucy bought some accesories at malioboro, for her and her mother. hat and sunglasses :) Jogja was very sunny at that time

ps : I was very happy that I can spent my last holiday with Lucy, Mbak Ufi and whole family, though that Abah wasn't in a good condition :')


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