Coffee for Sneak-Peak
So hectic today to finish all of the things that should be finished. I have to send my artwork for "Lala Bohang Bagi-Bagi Gambar" (a chance for me to get one of those artwork from my favorite Lala Bohang. You also could check the announcement here - but the deadline to submit your artwork is TOMORROW! and I haven't finished it yet for the story hehehehehe). My girl, Tery asked me to accompany her to made some video for the loved ones birthday tomorrow. Start from making that video, I'm interested to learn about video some more :D
Lunch at Katsu Tei these 2 days hehehehe I like their sushi
Those are some of my sneak peak photos of video making. Gonna share the result if I've got the video link from Tery hihihihihi cant'wait. Tomorrow is also gonna be (wish) good day because MAKIBU FRUIT COFFEE is start to operated again after 'sleep' for almost 2 weeks. Yap! We have to prepare all of those things we need for re-open day tomorrow. I made a map for those who didn't know where's MAKIBU. Actually, there are many ways to go to MAKIBU. Check out to @MAKIBUCOFFEE for every information you needed about MAKIBU :D I would never stop. PECC is also need me, there's a meeting agenda that have to be visited. I miss all those officers :) can't wait to meet them all
Ah I wish tomorrow will be a great day! Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
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